Upcoming Events

April 14 | Confirmation Service

April 21 | Family Fellowship Night

June 10-13 | Vacation Bible School
Our VBS is a summer camp-themed VBS called Camp Firelight. We need lots of help to make VBS happen. Online registration for children, rising Kindergarten to rising 5th grade and volunteers below.

Children’s Ministries

Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

We embrace children as an integral part of our congregation. During the service of Infant Baptism, we pledge to “order our lives after the example of Christ, that this child, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal.” The goal of our Children’s Ministry is to uphold this pledge by providing meaningful opportunities for children to experience love, faith, and Christian nurturing which may guide them in discovering and growing their faith. We also celebrate the ministry that children bring to the congregation. They are not only the church of tomorrow; they are a part of the church today.

If you have questions regarding any of the children’s ministries at Auburn UMC, please contact Dee Adkins, Director of Children’s Ministries at 334-826-8800 Ext. 235 or deea@aumc.net.


We offer childcare and Sunday School for children from birth – 6th grade. During each worship hour, our offerings are as follows:


Childcare provided for birth-5 years old in the nursery.


Childcare provided for birth-2 years old in the nursery.

Downstairs – Sunday School

  • 2-year-old Sunday School will meet in Room B137
  • 3& 4year-old Sunday school will meet in Room B131/133

Upstairs – Sunday School

  • K- 6th grade will meet in the gym
    • after a large group lesson classes will be divided into small groups by age

Annex – Confirmation

  • 6th grade Confirmation will meet in the Senior Adult Center starting in September. 6th graders are invited to attend Sunday School in the gym during August.
  • Register Here for Confirmation
  • Childcare provided for birth-4 years old in the nursery.
  •  Children’s church will be provided for 3rd grade and under after children’s moment in the sanctuary service. Pickup is in Room A208.

6th Grade Confirmation

Confirmation classes for the 2024-2025 school year will begin September 8th. Registration will open in August.


Click the button below for more information on each weekday program offered by Auburn UMC.


If you are interested in volunteering with Auburn UMC’s Children’s Ministry, please email Dee Adkins.

Children's Ministry Team

Dee Adkins

Director of Children’s Ministry

Amanda Vaughan

Associate Director of Children's Ministry

Beth Bedsole

Preschool Director