A Time Apart | “Rhythms of Resurrection”

April 29 - 30 2022  |  Auburn United Methodist Church Youth Center

137 South Gay Street, Auburn, AL, USA


A Time Apart | “Rhythms of Resurrection”

Dr. Robbins Sims, Speaker

Join us for a time of fellowship, inspiring messages, and worship. The cost is $15 per person and includes dinner on Friday and breakfast on Saturday.

Psalm 118 is the Easter Psalm. It contains a refrain that has been described as the heartbeat of the risen Lord–His steadfast love endures forever. Resurrection makes the will and ways of the Lord certain and ultimate.It is the glorious constant into which everything finally is resolved. Still, we live in the yet-to-be.  We can learn from those who first encounter the risen Christ and move from the dark chaos of Good Friday into the dazzling light of Easter. They have much to teach us about how the healing power of grace overcomes fear, failure, disappointment, and doubt. We will spend a bit of time in their worlds as described for us in Mark 15:33-16:8, Luke 24:13-35, John 21:1-19, and Matthew 28:16-20. With the Spirit’s help, we will return to our own world refreshed and ready to embrace the rhythms of resurrection!

For more information, contact Sarah Goolsby. Online registration is now available.

  • Friday night session: 5:30pm – 8:00pm, with dinner beginning at 5:30pm
  • Saturday morning session: 8:00am – 11:30am, including a continental breakfast.